Medoks - Staročeský medovník a medové dorty

Old Bohemian Honey Cake is handmade from a traditional family recipe, with the ingredients carefully handpicked and used in an exact and precise ratio. At the moment, there are several size and weight variants on offer.

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Old Bohemian Honey Cake

produkt medoks medovnik 01Delicious cake from an Old Bohemian family recipe, 1750 g, 1350 g, 700 g, 450 g.

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Honey Cake – Christmas

produkt medoks medovnik-vanoce 01Delicious cake from an Old Bohemian family recipe, 1750 g, 700 g

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Honey Cake – Heart of Honey

produkt medoks medovnik-srdce 01Delicious cake from an Old Bohemian family recipe – heart-shaped, 1600 g a 600 g.

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Old Bohemian Ducat

Dukát 850g krabice.jpgDelicious cake from an Old Bohemian family recipe, 850 g.

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Old Bohemian Little Ducatek

produkt medoks dukatek3 01Delicious little cakes from an Old Bohemian family recipe. 3 pack, 1 pc = 120 g.

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